Monday, April 16, 2012

Screen shot.

I was thinking about what to put up for my screen shot.   but last minute I decided to change my mind on the direction for the commercial.   I think with the product I am going to do an infomercial type.
     I am taking a series of pictures and going to be transitioning from shot to shot.   With me talking in the background.   Simple.   Making it to complicated will, in my opinion confuse people with the product.

    Below are the pictures I will be using.  

All of these photos will be photoshopped.   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Apologizing for my extremely horrible art work!    I decided that I wanted to keep it simple, where there is a good understanding of what I am trying to explain and sell.   I want it to be kind of corny, and over the top.  

--  It starts off with a man sitting in front of his computer with bills in his hands.   His face obviously shows that he is upset about it.  -- there will be a voice over throughout the entire thing.
--- Then it goes to a shot of him standing next to a table saying how he needs help, that he is over spending.

--   THen it shoots to him trying to get onto a shopping website and it is locked.   He has a confused look on his face.
--  The next shot will be an explanation of the product and what it does.

-  and the final scene will be him standing happy with thumbs up and some cash in his hand, because he isnt broke.

Again, I want it to be simple, not too complex but get to the point of what the product is.   I guess you can look at it as an infomercial.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


M&M Commercial ( easter commercial ) 

What is the visual style of the film (animated, live action, stop motion)?
Animated and live actionWhat is the tone (happy, sad, scary, funny)?
HappyWhat is the product they're selling?
M&M's for easterWho is their Target Audience?
I would have to stay young kids to teenagersWhat is the 'problem' that the product is solving?
Its not solving anything, its just advertising the productHow does the commercial talk about these problems?

Is there a Narrator? If so, is the narrator a voice over (off screen) or a character on screen?

Do you feel that the commercial is successful? Why?
I think the commercial is extremely successful, it has been running for years.   

Energy Drink
What is the visual style of the film (animated, live action, stop motion)?
What is the tone (happy, sad, scary, funny)?
Happy and funny
What is the product they're selling?
An energy drink that you squeeze into your water
Who is their Target Audience?
Id say 20's to 40's
What is the 'problem' that the product is solving?
Making water taste better, while giving you energy
How does the commercial talk about these problems?
They show how to use it, and " how it tastes"
Is there a Narrator? If so, is the narrator a voice over (off screen) or a character on screen?
Do you feel that the commercial is successful? Why?

   I think it will be for a short while,  I have seen it a couple of times.   


What is the visual style of the film (animated, live action, stop motion)?
Live action.
What is the tone (happy, sad, scary, funny)?
What is the product they're selling?
GIving money for children who are in need of a school
Who is their Target Audience?
20's to 70's
What is the 'problem' that the product is solving?
Its solving the fact that there is no school
How does the commercial talk about these problems?
It shows what they dont have, how they are suffering.
Is there a Narrator? If so, is the narrator a voice over (off screen) or a character on screen?
yes there is, and it is off screen.  
Do you feel that the commercial is successful? Why?

I think it is definitely successful in someway.   Some people do donate money.  

MTV Commercial 

What is the visual style of the film (animated, live action, stop motion)?
Live action
What is the tone (happy, sad, scary, funny)?
Happy and sad
What is the product they're selling?
Showing a commercial for an upcoming epsiode of Teen Mom
Who is their Target Audience?
What is the 'problem' that the product is solving?
Showing that its a lot of responsibility to have a child, and trying to show the responsibilities
How does the commercial talk about these problems?
It shows day to day life.   But in the commercial it gives a sneak peak of what will be coming on.  In this case it makes you curious and makes you want to watch to see what happens
Is there a Narrator? If so, is the narrator a voice over (off screen) or a character on screen?
Sometimes.   Its a voice over.
Do you feel that the commercial is successful? Why?

Yes.   Ratings for this show are extremely high. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


The shopaholics.  is all in white, and when you turn it over its the color and information.   I decided to do this because in my opinion having one side pop gives it more attention.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012