Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Apologizing for my extremely horrible art work!    I decided that I wanted to keep it simple, where there is a good understanding of what I am trying to explain and sell.   I want it to be kind of corny, and over the top.  

--  It starts off with a man sitting in front of his computer with bills in his hands.   His face obviously shows that he is upset about it.  -- there will be a voice over throughout the entire thing.
--- Then it goes to a shot of him standing next to a table saying how he needs help, that he is over spending.

--   THen it shoots to him trying to get onto a shopping website and it is locked.   He has a confused look on his face.
--  The next shot will be an explanation of the product and what it does.

-  and the final scene will be him standing happy with thumbs up and some cash in his hand, because he isnt broke.

Again, I want it to be simple, not too complex but get to the point of what the product is.   I guess you can look at it as an infomercial.

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